Culinary care

Dietary needs or other special requests

Please inform us of any dietary requirements at least two months in advance. While you might have already mentioned your dietary needs during booking, our chef may have additional inquiries to ensure your dining experience is tailored to your preferences. Given our extensive sailing routes, we plan and procure our supplies well in advance. We strive to accommodate all requests, but some may incur an extra fee or, in rare cases, might not be feasible. Our chef crafts a single exquisite menu for all guests, with limited adjustments available upon request. We cannot offer individual menus for each guest. To properly assess and discuss your dietary needs, early notification is crucial. Failure to notify us in time might result in our inability to meet your requirements or necessitate an additional charge. 

Cuisine / bar

  • the cuisine is a delight, prepared in a galley equipped with all modern appliances. Our chef not only provides you with breakfast but will also prepare a packed lunch if you wish to go cycling. The evening meal is sumptuous. Needless to say, we will take account of any of your dietary needs if you inform us before your arrival.
  • Diets: We are able to accommodate vegetarian or gluten-free or dairy-free at no extra charge. Vegan diets can also be accommodated, a €75 per person per week surcharge will be applied, the allowance also applies if you request more than 1 diet. Other diets or allergies are always on request. All diatary wishes need to be requested with your booking or latest 3 months before departure. At a later moment, heigher surcharge might apply or dissapointments can occur.
  • our manned bar is well stocked with a variety of wines, beers, spirits and soft drinks, our bartender can also prepare a wide selection of cocktails. We serve local wines from most area's we sail, we serve draft beer from Warsteiner and several bottled dark & white beers. A wide range of spirits is served in our bar; Oban wiskey, Bombay gin, Jim Beam bourbon and much more
(Our bar is not self-service) 
* If you wish to bring your own drinks onboard, we are happy to keep it in our fridge and serve it to you any time in the lounge or at the terrace, we will charge a corkage fee though.

Payments on board

All your expenses on-board like non-inclusive drinks, gifts, onboard reserved E-bikes, etc. will be charged on your board-account. The on board currency is € (euro). You can remunerate your board-account at the end of your cruise. From 2025 on, we only offer a cash payment option on board the ship, we accept euros and in some cases US dollars.

28 july 2018

Berlin/Spandau to Magdeburg, July 14th 2018

Dear friends,

Patti and I had a wonderful time on our trip.   You were all so focused on ensuring everything was perfect for our group. 

I came with very high expectations and they were greatly exceeded!  As an engineer I was so impressed with the barge.

Thank you once again for treating us to such a fine adventure! 

Regards, Ed Buehler