Frequently asked questions

We have collected the most frequently asked questions here for you:


  • Question: How does your booking system works? 

Answer: There's a separate chapter for this just click here!

  • Question: What are the payment terms? Do you require a deposit or the full payment at time of reservation?

Answer: We require a 20% deposit at the time of reservation, please have a look at this chapter of our website just click here!

  • Question: When do I pay the final invoice?

Answer: 3 Months before departure you will receive an email from us with the final bill and all travel information. The due date of the final invoice is 2 months before starting date of the tour.

  • Question: Do you have a cancellation policy?

Answer: Yes, there's a separate chapter for this just click here!

  • Question: Is there the ability to get trip insurance? 

Answer: We don’t offer a trip insurance, but we always advice to buy one at your local insurance shop.

  • Question: Do you have a recommended hotel at my embark/disembark location?

Answer: We sail many routes, dock in a lot of ports and hotel preferences are very personal, that's why we can't recommend a certain hotel. But of course we can help you by sharing the website from Here you can find almost every hotel in Europe!

  • Question: Is English spoken on the boat and by the guides?

Answer: YES

  • Question: How do the bike tours work. Is there a Guide or are you given a map or gps to find your way around?

Answer: All bike & barge tours are fully guided, the tourguide will inform you about next day's cycle-tour and will guide the tour all day, also the guide can learn you some interesting details about the area since they now the tours!

  • Question: Can I cycle on my own?

Answer: That’s possible as well. We are developing GPS-routes on more and more routes or the guide can help you with maps or normal gps.

  • Question: What happens if a bike breaks down in route?

Answer: First of all we make sure our top-quality bikes are in good condition, resulting in (almost) no break downs. If it does happen, the tourguide will try to fix the bike, otherwise we’ll always find a solution and the ship is never far away!

  • Question: Are there any activities on board at night? 

Answer: On our small-sized boat, we don’t offer a musician or similar. We do have a sound system onboard and we also have a keyboard and guitar to be used by anyone who feels comfortable to play ????. 

  • Question: Are we able to get off the boat at night and walk?

Answer: The ship is always docked at night, giving you the possibility to get off for a walk or a local bar.


Vienna to Passau

September 17 - 24 / 2022
We enjoyed a wonderful trip on the Danube with the Merlijn. The bike tour was very fun. We enjoyed the sights and the guides knowledge of the area. The relaxing environment and excellent food made each day special. We cant thank the captains and crew enough for their hospitality, hard work, and humor. Im sure we will travel with them again.