
Wednesday 29 november 2023

2024 is almost fully booked

It is almost fully booked but we still have several trips available, we will highlight this route; The Premium Germany & Poland tour: ‘Amazon of the North’ on the third and tenth of August. Our tour guides consider this as the most interesting tour that Merlijn has to offer - expect the unexpected. Bike, Barge and Cruise the Amazon of the North, Germany and Poland. Explore the cradle of the Prussians during this tour of former Prussia, and learn more about the former divided nation of Germany. Command your bike through a variety of surfaces, from tarmac to cobble stones, and ride across the sunny isle of Usedom. Cruise through stunning natural areas of the Havel, Oder & Peene rivers, and the Szczecin lagoon. Take a ride in the oldest ship lift in Germany, Niederfinow, and sample the Polish cuisine in Poland’s lively city of Szczecin.

14 june 2023

My wife and I looked forward to this adventure for 9 months, and it did not disappoint. It was a good thing we did a lot of riding every day, because Cristina sure spoiled us with fantastic meals. How much fun we had with the crew and other passengers can not be stressed enough. The ship is well appointed, and clean, clean, clean. Highly recommend this to anyone with a sense of adventure who likes to cycle.