
Wednesday 26 may 2021

Merlijn has the most comprehensive sailing schedule and is also heading to the Blue Danube from 2022 on!

We already have so many routes that the season has become too short to sail them all and now, for the first time in her life, Merlijn is going to sail the Danube. That beautiful blue Danube, as it was described by Johann Strauss Jr. in the year 1867 in the Viennese Waltz he composed. 

You can be one of the first guests of Merlijn, cycling along the Danube. We have designed 2 different Danube routes which we sail in both directions, meaning you can choose from 4 tours and even more departures! Have a look at the itinerary by clicking the destinations you like:

Nürnberg-Passau or Vienna-Passau  (Routes also available in 2023)

What is the difference between 'Bike & Barge" and Bike, Barge & Cruise?
Some ship owners write Bike & Barge, but we at Merlijn feel that term does not tell what a vacation aboard the Merlijn is all about! Because in addition to cycling (Bike) and staying and dining on board (Barge), we also often sail with our guests on board. Enjoying the sailing during breakfast or after a strenuous bike ride, with or without a drink on one of our terraces. That is what we mean by "Cruise".

20 august 2020

Wij hebben begin augustus een midweek gelogeerd op De Merlijn. Vanuit Dordrecht hebben we gefietst in de Alblasserwaard en de Biesbosch. De binnenstad van Dordrecht lag op loopafstand zodat we s avonds nog makkelijk even wat konden eten of drinken. Elke dag kregen we een heerlijk ontbijt, geserveerd aan tafel vanwege de Corona voorschriften. De eerste avond hadden we een voortreffelijk (voor mij vegetarisch) diner. De bemanning is zeer vriendelijk en behulpzaam. Een aanrader!