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31 mei 2018

Authentic Holland, May 19th - 25th 2018

"Dear Merlijn & staff, Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. We could not have had a more fun family vacation. It's usually only once in a lifetime that a family can all be together and have so much fun. You are the best crew ever and EVERYTHING on the Merlijn was just perfect. The boat is spotless, the food amazing, the beer & bourbon exceptional, the bicycling through the country was gorgeous and each day brought new scenery. The E-bikes were so much FUN even though some of us felt a little lazy using them! We did turn them on and off so we wouldn't feel so guilty. And singing Karioke had to have been the highlight! We didn't know he had such talent!! That was definitely a surprise. And a very special Thank-you to you for your unsurpassed hospitality and the Birthday "Surprise" for Lauren. (Definitely keep those placemats). You are the Hostess with the Mostest!

We love you all and thank you so very much. We already miss your smiling faces.

Bruce, Theresa, Donna, Nolan, Lauren & Jordan